Here's the scoop...
Long Time No Blog (1/26/09)
Hey Guys,
Its been a long time since ive blogged on the site. I just wanna say i hope everyone
is doing great and i hope everyones holidays were awesome. First things first HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKALAH!!! I know im like 12
days late SORRYS. So Mikalah through a HUGE Bday bash at hollywood hot spot Mood Nightclub which is HUGE! Hosted by Antonella
Barba which sure shes a nice girl but those photos are just...wrong. So anywho Mikalah walked the red
carpet FABULOUSLY!!! She talked to many reporters stating shes currently working WITH a band, which is awesome but id rather
she be solo. She also announced shes working on a new reality project which is great. Im hoping Mikalah wins a Fox Reality
Really Award soon....Like the grammys but for reality tv :).
Its been 4 years since Mikalah was on idol. Shes achieved so much so far. Shes
made us all proud and continues to do so every single day. Cant wait to see what 2009 has in store for us fans...i know were
all excited :).
Im currently working on some new things for the site. We might be moving to what
finally will be our own url. Hopefully soon it would rock. I just need a lil time so i can get the site into tip top shape!
Thanks Guys I lOve Ya All....Especially Mikalah :)
PS: add me on myspace guys if youd like and chat with me about what you think
Mikalah's gonna blow us away with this year.

Shoveling Poop Never Looked So Good (9/6/08)
What the F*ck Is John Rich doing to this cast lol? Seriously making them chace pigs and Sh*t. Come on dudes lets get
to the music. I will say, Mikalah made shoveling poop so sexy, if thats possible, but when shes doing it it is....ok im not
weird i promise. The contestants then went on to judge John Riche's amatuer talent contest and Jermaine got all hyped up...someone
take him back to the old age home please. Hes just begging for camera time. The 14 year old that won was actually very good.
My favorite part of this episode though was when everyone was back at the mansion and they were working on there music. Mikalah
was sitting in a room with Chris Kirkpatric and was singing the finniest Sh*t about Sean Young. It was The Best. What im upset
about is i wanna hear some music yall. I wanna see what theyre songs are looking like and sounding like. But This was one
of Mikalah's funniest episodes yet (damn this girl is to much lol) so if you missed it deffinetly check it out on CMT! All
this week.
Cya next friday yall
Gone Country 2...1...2...3(8/29/08)
Hey Guys,
Well i just got done watching the third episode. Its been a hassle for me to watch the show coz i JUST NOW got CMT last
night and i was so excited i could catch the show tonight.
So EPISODE 1. I was so excited watching it and seeing Mikalah. Her face needs to be on tv like 24/7 i swear. The first
episode was great. It showed a great side of Mikalah and it also showed her performing her hit "Baby". My favorite part was
at the end where she joked by saying the girl was a bitch for not knowing who she was.
SECOND EPISODE was hit home for me. Seeing a girl that i idolize to the highest cry was just
heartbreaking. I wanted nothing just to HUG Mikalah and bitch slap Sean Young. Thta old cougar was so fucking rude it was
pathetic. No excuse for her actions. The big suprise was seeing Irene leave. i actually liked Irene. Sean should have left.
THIRD EPISODE was great. Mikalah interviewing herself about Irene's departure was halarious. I died luaghing.
WHen they went to jail to perform i was a little concerned for Mikalah BUT i knew shes a fighter and would put any guy in
his place. She in my opinion was the ONLY great performance. Chris was just ugh. Sabastian showed off to much...Sean Young...need
i say more? and Jermaine was okay but his voice is to soft i like a POWERHOUSE voice. And Lerenzo sang off key. I was
kind of upset that were three episodes in and really havent seen any longer than like a 20 sec performance. John Rich performed
longer than any of them.....In furture episodes they need to show the performances as a whole.
All in All Mikalah deffinetly has this one in the bag guys no doubt about it. Shes come along way
from Idol. Her voice is more mature and she has a personality and beauty to go with it. Shes won. Congrats Mikalah.
Love Ya,
Save A Horse Ride A Idol...JK! (8/17/08)
Its almsot been a month since i blogged on this site last so time for more lol. Ive missed yall....I was so excited to
see Mikalah back where she belongs on the tv on friday! My mom and I ordered pizza and wings and we sat down and watched the
premiere. I was so excited for Mikalah but my mom had to explain who the other people where besides Mikalah Jermaine and Chris.
The next day I couldnt wait to ask my friends if they saw it becuase i told them id dis own them if they didnt. They enjoyed
Mikalah very much.
I think the HATERS really will get a chance with this show to see that Mikalah has grown alot over the past 4 years.
Shes stepped in to woman-hood (i guess, im a guy so ive never stepped into womanhood) and shes deffinetly become her own person.
I honestly dont think there are any words to tell you how I feel. When i was watching the show on friday i was just smiling
because Mikalah and us (the fans) have come a looong way since the audition in vegas. So much has been accomplished and yet
there is still so much ahead to look forward to. I looked at Mikalah and felt a sense of pride while watching the show. Like
parents at graduation looking at theyre child walk across the stage.
Ok and warm moment over.
So I cannot wait to see the next episode and If she won the show then shes already won (becuase the shows already taped
and wraped).
To all the haters....Two kind words
Love ya
Are You Ready? (7/16/08)
Damn MIKALAH! girl slow down. GEEEEZ. So much info lol. Sorry i just got done FULLY updating the site and wow. Girls
busy. first things first im so excited for the Gone Country 2 premiere. People magazine already pointed her out as one of
there favs so fingers crossed. The only thing that comes along with this excitment is us fans and Mikalah already know. Negativity.
Sorry to bring it up but we fans must be prepared for battle. Everyone gets it but some more than others and alot of people
like to pick at Mikalah sometimes so lets show them bastards who thyre messing with!
Also did yall see those event pics of Mikalah? OMG. All i can say is um YUMM lol. And sam looked
so cute to. Anyways. I have faith in Mikalah and know either way if she wins or loses shes still 100000000% winner in our
hearts and i hope she knows that. "Baby" Mikalah's hit single shot up the charts so i wouldnt be suprised if she did win Gone
Country 2 even tho im more of a shefield steel boy myself (i love baby to but i love to harmonize with mikalah on shefeild
steel, or atleast try to :). thanks to the official site for updating us. Michelle's the best yall. make sure you drop by .
And im working on changing the look of the site but im not good with layouts and stuff so if u have any ideas
lol feel free to email me at .

My Thoughts On Mikalahs Carrer And Future (6/20/08)
Hey Guys,
Everytime i write a date i swear i wanna put every year except 08 lol. Its like when people ask how old i am i say 19
instead of 18 coz im just not use to it yet. Anyway for this blog i wanted to let yall know what i though of Mikalah's carrer.
Honestly im so proud of Mikalah. Shes been able to keep her beautiful face on the tv screen and her beautiful
voice in the recording studio. David Cook Who? lol no one cares becuase Mikalah is where its at. Ofcourse i loved the Living
With Fran cameo. Wish the show hadnt been cancelled coz id love to see her and Fran work together again. Then the Tyra Banks
show. She does such a great job and shes so halarious. Tyra needs to move her show back to L.A. so Mikalah can appear on the
show more.
The Unit brought us fans so much. I think that Mikalah should have put her name in the nominees for the
Emmy's for that role. She did such a great job! and it also brought fans A new hit single "Baby" from Mikalah which i absolutely
LOVE!! Shefeild Steel is also such a great song!
I love reality tv and most of my favorite shows are reality shows so im excited to no end for "Gone Country
2". Its gonna be FABULOUS! But all and all I so wish that Mikalah would do another sitcom..She would be perfect. Shes proved
she can be halarious (OFCOURSE) and on the Unit she proved to us she can be dramatic as well.
Whatever the future holds for Mikalah i know it will be great coz she continues to suprise me and make me proud.
Until next time Love YA!

Allow Me To Introduce Myself (6/5/08)
I decided to add a blog to the site so the visitors can get to know me and my thoughts on Mikalah.
My names Justin, im 19 years old. I live in Belle Vernon,Pa. I graduated in 2007 from Greensburg Salem High School and
i currently work at Target. I have owned this site for almost 3 years and honeslty i love doing it. Ofcourse there are times
where I dont have time to update it as good as id want to but i try my best to keep up with it. Its not a job....its a hobby.
I first became a Mikalah fan ofcurse during her audition on American Idol season 7. I remember calling up my friend Rachelle
saying "Did you see that girl she was so funny and shes so talented...i want her to win". I voted for Mikalah week after week.
When she was eliminated actually i wont lie i kinda forgot about her. BUT THEN when i saw a commercial on tv about her appearance
on "Living With Fran" i decided to look her up on the internet and see what she was up to. Little did i know she had done
alot since idol.
From there on i became what i like to call a "Superfan". Then i started this site with the help of many others. I dont
wanna ramble on so ill leave it at that. Mikalah is a star and each day her star rises. She continues to make me proud each
and every day. She touches me with each performance, recording, and apperance...She really brightens my day.
With That Said....Until Next Time,
PS: now go look around the site!